Get your wedding guests on the dance floor with the grand march dance

Here at Cornerstone Ranch Events Center in Amarillo, Texas, we LOVE it when you add the Grand March to your wedding reception timeline! Our venue is the largest venue in the Amarillo area and one of the few that can accommodate this type of dance! The Wedding grand march dance is a popular one to use at the beginning of your reception! The exact origins of this exciting dance are hard to trace. Texans with Czech ancestry say it has Slavic roots. But, Texans with German ancestry (like me!) claim it as their culture. In the 19th century, the Grand March was part of a wedding reception timeline that signified the beginning of the reception! This dance makes your wedding event more fun-filled and enjoyable for all guests!
The dance begins with the DJ announcing "Line up for the Grand March!" Usually, the first few couples have participated before in this dance and can lead the others to follow suit. The song "Under the Double Eagle" plays in the background and the lineup is as follows:

Line up two by two women on the left — men on the right, beginning with….
1) Lead Couple - An older married couple who act as mentors
2) Bride and Groom
3) Wedding party
Everyone else Split - women go left - men go right - Represents the first argument Come back together then split as a couple.
First couple to the left - next couple to the right and so on. - Represents coming back together Meet back together and lock arms with a couple you meet.
First four go to the left, next four to the right. - Represents friendships formed in marriage
Meet one more time with a group of four then head to the front of the room with your group of eight.
Next group of eight will form a line behind the first group leaving room for people to go through. And so on. - Represents growing family
First group will begin snaking through the group until the last line and then will begin forming a tunnel. (Represents the twists and turns of life the couple will have)

When the tunnel is complete, the first couple will hold hands and travel through the entire tunnel with others to follow. The bridge signifies strength of the new couples bond. At the end of the tunnel join hands and form a large circle. The lead couple will then travel inside the circle, still holding hands with everyone until they form a small enough circle to drop off the bride and groom in the center. Then they will circle back out and make a large circle surrounding the couple as they have their first dance. This represents the support of the family in marriage.

It's always a good idea to have someone leading this wedding dance who has done it before. It can get confusing once you're in the midst of it! Also, make sure your DJ knows to repeat the song if the dance is still going on. The length of the wedding dance depends on how many guests are participating. A 100 guest dance will be significantly shorter than a 400 guest dance! I've seen this done so many times here at Cornerstone Ranch Events! Usually, it ends up being an indoor/outdoor dance due to space. Our backyard is usually filled with guests making the tunnel and forming lines. It is always so much fun and really brings everyone together, out on the dance floor, to kick start your reception. Talk with your DJ and get this dance on the timeline for your reception! I promise, you won't regret it!

Special thanks to this group of talented and inspiring wedding venue owners from across the country who support us daily!